Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thing 23- YAY I'm done! :)

Well, it's been a long and hard road to get here. At times, I really did feel like I was never going to figure out some of the stuff! And some of it I still am a bit unclear on, but I'm sure that I will figure more out as I go along.

I really liked signing up for the Bloglines account and adding the feeds of my choice. I see myself using this in the future more and more. I also liked some of the silly things we did like the image generators; those were fun! I think the thing I liked most of all was LibraryThing. I will totally use this in the future! It kind of reminds me of Netflix, but without the borrowing. I liked the idea of being able to see what other people have read and get suggestions for new books I might enjoy.

I think that this program as a whole has assisted in my lifelong learning. It's given me the ability to learn and try new things, and it's also given me a chance to play around with new things and have fun (while at work!).

I think one of the major "take-a-ways" of this whole program was that I too can do things that I didn't think I could do before. I've learned what those little orange boxes with "RSS" in them meant, and I actually learned how to use them! I also learned how to utilize some useful tools like ZoHo writer which I think I'll be able to use at work and in my personal life.

I think the format of this program was done quite well. The only suggestion I might have for something different could be, if it's possible, have live help? Sometimes there have been moments when I was trying to do some of the "things" and have gotten stuck. I've emailed, but I know you guys are busy, so it's taken a while to hear back and I'm at a stand still until then. I know that you are busy, so live help may not be possible, but for those of us that need some hand holding and option like that would be superb! :)

Lastly, I think if you offered something like this in the future I would try it again. I like begin able to work at my own pace, and not feel rushed. I think it's been really good to be able to take our time, and thankfully since you've extended our due dates a few times, I've been able to keep up and now complete (YAY!) this whole thing. I'm acutally quite proud of myself!

Here's to Learning and Library 2.0! And I'm done...


Arvind said...

Glad that you found Zoho Writer useful. Do try the other Zoho tools too.


Virtual Services Team said...

Congratulations! You have finished Learning 2.0! Great job and thanks for all the thoughtful feedback.