Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thing 22- eBooks and Audio eBooks

Acutally, I was quite shocked to find that we don't have a lot of popular titles on our website. I looked for J.K. Rowling books, and found none! I'm not sure if it's because they're not available in this format, or we just don't have them. We also didn't have any Stephen King books, and only 2 newer titles by Margaret Atwood.

I have noticed, when helping customers locate materials here at the branch, that we do have a lot of technical electronic resources such as computer books, etc. Some of these are only available to the SJSU students and faculty though.

When looking at the other site, World eBook Fair, (which I had an incredibly hard time getting to!) I found more of the same. They carried much more than we do at but they didn't carry popular authors/titles like I mentioned above. I'd like to find out if these are something that are coming down the line, or maybe it's just not available at this point?

Anyway, I do find them useful. I've checked out a few myself from our site and, besides having to stare at a computer screen for a long time, it saves the trip to the physical library. Some of our customers have a hard time getting here, and I'm sure this is a useful tool for them.

Hopefully we can continue to expand our collection in this area!

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

You raise some interesting questions. I'm not sure that those popular titles are available electronically. For me, pleasure reading is best done in print, not on screen. However, those titles would probably go over well if they were available as audio ebooks.

I'm not so sure that the World eBook Fair is a good site to use; try searching Project Gutenberg instead for free downloads.